The AMIOT cellular IoT innovation competition aims to encourage and reward development of cellular IoT projects. Essentially, the goal is to set up an end to end IoT project which utilises cellular IoT.
Cellular IoT projects make use of super low energy communication so they are suitable for battery operated devices that can be installed in locations that typically don't have access to the internet or a dedicated power source.
If you or your company specialise in hardware or software rather than end to end solutions, consider partnering with another company to launch a project (let us know if you'd like recommendations), or check out some of the hardware or software listed below.
Sounds interesting? Check through the info below, and have a quick look at the FAQ which covers a lot more details.
The top priority is innovation, but having a project that is robust is also very valuable. We are considering the following variables when evaluating projects:
While participants are welcome (and encouraged) to develop their own software for the competition, it's also worth considering that there are platforms which provide a quick and accessible way to aggregate and work with data collected for IoT projects. Two we would recommend are:
Both companies have worked with Miotiq to ensure compatibility and integration. Each have a powerful and flexible platform that can go a long way to launching a functioning IoT project.
Finding the best innovation in cellular IoT hardware and software to collect data in places without convenient energy supply like cottages, farms, forest houses, etc. Cellular IoT projects can also be useful in cities, though! For example, it could be used for utilities or smart lighting. Ideally, try building something to address a new business use case, or an existing one in a better way.
1st July 2024
The deadline to apply for the competition is 30th March 2025. Submitting projects after that must be agreed with the organiser.
30th March 2025. You can join any time during the competition, though a viable project will likely take at least a week of work, potentially up to a few months, depending on team size and experience.
You can review this page to cover the important bits. More technical Terms & Conditions can be found here
Anyone, but we expect the competition to be most appropriate for small to medium size businesses / teams (2-20 people). You need to be able to issue an invoice to receive financial support or the prize money.
Yes, AMIOT partners are welcome to join the competition. The only excluded entities are organisations responsible for the judging or rewards process.
You can find webform to apply at the top of the page, if there's any problems, feel free to use the contact form at the bottom of the page
The prizes are listed in the overview section at the top of the page
Any. The competition is fully remote, though hardware will need to be posted to the European office for evaluation.
You can either develop your own hardware, or use existing hardware. We’re happy to recommend what hardware might be suitable for different use cases, feel free to reach out to us.
One option is to use existing software platforms like TagoIO or Datacake, who are both awesome companies and have easy integration with Miotiq, However, if you want to develop (or already have) your own custom software solution, you’re most welcome to do so.
All projects will be provided a package of Miotiq testing SIMs for free. You can request the form factor of SIMs, including chip SIMs
We want all participants to have equal footing on cellular usage, and as Miotiq is a core member of AMIOT, they are sponsoring the competition with connectivity. It’s no problem to use whatever connectivity you want after the competition.
Any novel project IP will remain the property of those who developed it, to be used however they want in the future. Existing IP used in projects of course remains the property of its owners. M2M Communication holding s.r.o. Will have the right to test and publish results of participating projects
-Documentation of firmware
-Documentation of software
-Prototype hardware (Two pieces of hardware should be sent to the European office: M2M Communication Holding s.r.o. Opletalova 22, Praha 1, 110 00, Czech Republic)
-Confirm that data is delivered to Miotiq
-Confirm that data is received by endpoint software
-Project explainer presentation (can be video / slideshow / etc)
At the very least, a project should include selected hardware, software, or middleware suitable for a massive cellular IoT project.
The competition can accommodate up to 100 projects. Entry is on a ‘first come, first serve’ basis. If the limit is reached, new applications will not be accepted.
No, actually you can get financially supported to participate! Have a look at the 'Support' section at the top of the page.
Submitting an approximate plan for a project via the webform. The organisers reserve the right to reject participation in the competition.
Submitting an approximate plan for a project via the webform. The organisers reserve the right to reject participation in the competition.
All entries must have something novel about them - for example:
- Making use of newer technology to make existing hardware more efficient
- Making use of sensors for a new business use case.
However, the degree of innovation is one of the metrics of the evaluation. There will be a balance between more novel but less robust projects, and more robust but less novel projects. Either can be appreciated!
All entries must have something novel about them - for example:
- Making use of newer technology to make existing hardware more efficient
- Making use of sensors for a new business use case.
However, the degree of innovation is one of the metrics of the evaluation. There will be a balance between more novel but less robust projects, and more robust but less novel projects. Either can be appreciated!
- AMIOT will provide financial support of up to 1000 EUR for each project, issued at the end of the competition (during April 2025).
- The AMIOT community is on hand to help with projects, we recommend everyone join the AMIOT Discord channel to take advantage of this.
Each project can qualify for up to 1000 EUR development support. This can be spent on hardware, software, consultation, or labour. Use of financial support should be transparent and disclosed to the organisers, within reason
- Some unique element (e.g. handling of data, harvesting energy)
- Documentation (description of functionality and what is unique)
- Firmware
- Prototype
- Proof of functionality
At any point during the competition period, if the above conditions are met, the development support will be sent.
The AMIOT discord channel is ideal for discussion. Part of the goal is to work with the community. (And there’s a prize for community involvement, too!). You can find a link to the Discord channel at the top of the page (Community > Discord)
- Hardware must be cellular IoT compatible (NB-IoT/LTE-M)
- Hardware must be battery powered (mains power can be optional)
We will provide some development support, and it’s up to each participating team to judge how best to use this - we can recommend hardware/components to suit different use cases
Absolutely, collaboration is encouraged. AMIOT is a hub for the cellular IoT community.
Notifying the organisers. Please consider the requirements to receive the financial support or prizes - they may be jeopardised by leaving the competition
- Transparency is recommended, but not essential
- Passing off work from others as your own is obviously not allowed
- Any licensing of software/hardware where applicable for commercial use is the responsibility of participants
- As this is a community focused project, professional conduct is required with both the organisers and other participants
Yes, though the process should be transparent as to which organisations are involved.
Yes, though the process should be transparent as to which organisations are involved.
- Hardware quality (Durability / Accessibility / Efficiency / Functionality / Value)
- Software quality (Accessibility / Functionality / Value)
- Innovation
- Community contribution
Core AMIOT member: M2M Communication Holding s.r.o.
- Documentation of firmware
- Documentation of software
- Prototype hardware (Two pieces of hardware should be sent to the European office: M2M Communication Holding s.r.o. Opletalova 22, Praha 1, 110 00, Czech Republic)
- Confirm that data is delivered to Miotiq
- Confirm that data is received by endpoint software
- Project explainer presentation (can be video / slideshow / etc)
- Project hardware will need to be posted to: M2M Communication Holding s.r.o. Opletalova 22, Praha 1, 110 00, Czech Republic
- Please make sure to use tracking for postage
- Please enclose your team name and contacts in the package
Please email to
- Winning participants will invoice M2M Communication Holding s.r.o., and the money will be sent by IBAN/SWIFT transfer
- Please note that cash grants are typically taxable income
Following confirmed results, within a month of the invoice being issued by the winning entity (n30)
- On the AMIOT blog, LinkedIn group, and Discord channel
- If you want to promote results, we will also help with this process
All projects that reach a production level of development can be evaluated for AMIOT certification
- Generally it’s best to use the AMIOT Discord server, in the #innovation-competition channel
- For any private queries contact
💡Some guidance on Hardware
As one of the main goals of the competition is innovation, we encourage participants to use sensors that are not commonly applied to IoT business uses cases. Of course, iterating on existing use cases still provides space for innovation, and typical IoT use cases typically involve the following types of sensors:
You can find some suitable hardware in our Hardware Directory. We will be adding even more there over the course of the competition. There's plenty more out there to find, too.
The recommended setup for the competition is to use a gateway based project setup, where multiple sensors connect to a gateway which sends data to an endpoint, but it's also possible to send data directly from sensors. More detail can be found in our article on Gateway based vs Distributed Sensor IoT projects.