Fighting corporate bullshit & bringing tech to market that makes life & work more fun
Bringing innovative solutions to the world of agriculture
28 years pioneering waterproofing integrity testing and monitoring
Getting data from meters to servers
Working in telecommunications since 1996
Offering realtime data with smart sensor solutions
Innovating in IoT hardware development since 2012
Innovating in IoT connectivity since 2015
Monday, 29th September 2025
Add to calendarEnjoy a delicious breakfast while networking with fellow attendees.
Opening Remarks and Conference Overview
The future is now!
Networking over some fantastic coffee
Smart agriculture = smart city
Moisture Alarms in Roof Constructions
Get some lunch in, and enjoy networking meanwhile
Level Measurement (not only) in Grain Silos
IoT wMbus integration - way to massive IoT
Enjoy some refreshments and mingle
Smart Metering in large scale deployment
Pets tracking - IoT Challenge
Summary and thank you
Enterprise? SMB? Startup? Everyone is welcome.
Access to sessions, exhibits, and networking events online.
Booking via Happenee
Access to sessions, exhibits, and networking events throughout the conference.
Booking via Happenee
All premium benefits plus exclusive speaker meet-and-greet and VIP dinner.
Booking via Happenee