IoT Solution Structure

Aligned by experts across the industry, the AMIOT IoT Solution structure gives a framework for communication around IoT projects

IoT solution structure

IoT solution stack structure


  • Sensors
  • Communication module
  • Processor
  • Antenna
  • Housing
  • Power sources
  • Connectivity layer - the network used to transfer the data from the device
  • Networks - LTE, NB-IoT, LTE-M, LoRa, Sigfox
  • Protocols - UDP, TCP, LWM2M, MQTT, etc (IP, non IP)
  • Connectivity management - Endpoint selection (e.g. Miotiq, IoT Creators)
  • Basic Device management - Inventory, storing basic ID of devices IMCI/tariff/data transferred (Also covered by Miotiq)
  • Application layer - software to make use of the aggregated data
  • Enhanced device management - firmware updates, device settings, etc.
  • Pre-processing (IoT hub - Azure/AWS)
  • Custom applications

Putting it all together

The process of combining these layers can be considered ‘system integration’, which ideally takes into account the most practical business approach, financials, future proofing, modularity, and security.

Companies providing IoT solutions tend to fall under the title of ‘Solution Provider', 'Systems Integrator' or ‘IoT platform’.

  • A Systems Integrator tends to be very flexible in their approach to delivering an IoT solution, creating an end to end solution to meet business needs. They usually have partners that will provide certain services or hardware, potentially adding custom components where necessary. They often specialise in a specific framework or technology, such as using AWS as a basis for the application layer. Green Custard is an example of an AWS specialized Systems Integrator
  • A solution provider is quite vague, and the meaning varies by region. It can often be similar to a Systems Integrator (in the US), or it could be more similar to a specifically branded IoT platform/product (in Europe).
  • An IoT Platform refers to a rigid and established software product that can form part or all of the IoT solution structure, sometimes including peripheral services. Usually an IoT Platform will have a specific brand and a very standardized approach to how they contribute to an IoT solution.
A diagram showing different types of IoT companies

Any of these company types will potentially provide an ‘end to end’ solution that spans the entire IoT solution stack, or they will provide a solution concerning only a specific element of the stack. Depending on existing business connections and resources, one or the other approach may be more sensible.

For example, Miotiq is an IoT Platform that concerns the Middleware layer. Miotiq also provides SIMs to cover the connectivity layer, but those could be provided by an alternative company. To form a full IoT solution, Miotiq collaborates with hardware developers that cover the Device layer, and software developers that cover the Application layer. The stack for the solution in this case would be as follows:

A diagram showing an example IoT solution stack

A flexible IoT Solutions Provider company may perform the process of system integration, or it could potentially be conducted by an end customer if they have in-house capabilities. Given the complexity and challenge of business-grade IoT projects however, it’s typically sensible for a company with some experience to lead the process, and that’s where AMIOT comes in.

AMIOT is a free or subsidised service that on one side acts as a frontend for anyone seeking IoT solutions, connecting those with a business need to appropriate Solution Providers, Systems Integrators, or IoT Platforms. On the other side, AMIOT functions as a collaborative hub for those IoT companies, connecting them to other members of the IoT business ecosystem.

In short, AMIOT gets business IoT projects up and running quickly, efficiently, and securely. We are a consortium of experienced IoT companies, combining years of experience in IoT to deliver comprehensive and reliable solutions. Have a look at our services to see what we can do to level up your IoT project.

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